At Glendale International School in Dubai, we prioritise sustainability education to ensure our students understand the importance of protecting and preserving our planet. We follow a strict no-plastic policy and, in time, we aim to become a Green Flag school in the UAE.

Significance of Sustainability Education

There are many reasons that sustainability education is essential in 21st-century schools. The future of the planet depends on the actions of its future citizens. Sustainability education nurtures eco-consciousness and encourages students to be good stewards of the Earth and its resources.

How to Teach Sustainability In Schools

Schools that prioritise eco-consciousness and sustainability education must take time to reflect on how these values can be taught and modelled for students. Everything from the curriculum to the school culture and environment must convey the importance of sustainability.

Sustainability-focused curriculum. Issues related to the environment and the consequence of human choices on our environment can be integrated into virtually all subject areas with thoughtful planning. While a sustainability-focused curriculum has always had a place in science education, it can also be integrated into subjects like maths, writing and art. The more subjects that address issues relating to sustainability, the more students are given a chance to think about and process the gravity of the topic.

Sustainability-focused school culture and behaviours. By modelling practices that minimise waste (such as avoiding single-use paper and plastic items whenever possible or using digital formats vs printed paper as much as possible) at school, these values and beliefs are integrated into students’ education.

Eco-initiatives within the school community. It is also important for students to be taught about environmental issues and their roles as individuals and as members of a broader society in making positive changes. Developing larger projects wherein students can dig deeply into environmental issues, work on solving environmental problems in their local area or campaign for change on a local, national or international level can provide the necessary education and empowerment to a generation of future leaders.

Experiential learning opportunities. Experiential learning opportunities in the community, such as eco-related internships and community events, can help foster a sense of environmental responsibility.

Want to Know More About Sustainability Education?

Glendale International School in Dubai prioritises sustainability education because we believe that our students will one day play an important role in preserving our planet. To find out more about how Glendale International School, Dubai, can benefit your child, contact us to schedule a tour of the campus. Call today.

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